Today, in Pakistan, a great number of people
are using Homeopathy as a dependable source of cure and treatment for their
families and a great number of homeopathic students are in field to study and get certification in
this medical field but many of them don't know much about homeopathy and its
phenomena. Below are given commonly used terms which can help in their course of study and its
also useful for general users of homeopathy.
Aggravation - a reasonable
intensification of the disease symptoms previously observed. Often linked with
the action of the correct homeopathic remedy.
Antidote - A substance, or
a medicine, that counteracts the effects of a homeopathic remedy. Mint is described to be an antidote of Natrum
muriaticum. Many give notion that coffee antidotes homeopathic remedies. When a
person is reacting reversely to a homeopathic remedy, an antidote may be given
to neutralize the effects.
Cell Salts (biochemic
medicines or tissue salts) - a homeopathic physician, W.H. Schuessler, created
the Biochemic system using 12 different 'cell salts'. Schuessler felt these
were necessary to the proper function of
the human body. Prepared in low potency(3x or 6x) and are used based on
homeopathic indications.
Centesimal - One of the
three potency scales used in homeopathic pharmacy. It was the first potency
generated by Hahnemann. 1 part of medicinal substance (dry or tincture), mixed
with 99 parts of diluent (lactose or alcohol), and then shaken, brings the 1c
potency. Using 1 part of that potency mixed with 99 parts diluent, then shaken,
brings the 2c
Potency. This continues
until the desired potency is got. A 200c goes through this process 200 times. A
1M potency goes through this process
1,000 times. The higher the potency is, the stronger the stimulation of the
vital force.
Common symptoms - symptoms
that are common to a particular disease, for example, stiff joints in
arthritis, or a yellow skin in jaundice.
Complete symptom - sensation, modalities, and concomitants all
together give a complete symptom.
Concomitant - occurs
simultaneously. Refers to symptoms which happen at the same time as the major
complaint. One of the parts of complete symptom.
Decimal - 1 part remedy substance (dry or tincture), mixed
with 9 parts diluent and then shaken,
gets the 1X(D) potency. Taking 1 part of that potency when mixed with 9 parts
diluent, shaken, gets the 2X(D) potency. This
continues until the required potency is got.
Homeopathy - system of
natural medicine based on the Law of Similars. A substances which makes a
person sick can also cure if used in a dynamic doses.
Isopathy - the treatment
of a disease with the same disease agent.
Modality - a state that
makes a person or their symptom better or worse. For example, one feels better
in a hot bath, abdominal pain is better bending over, feels worse in rainy weather,
Nosode - a homeopathic
medicine prepared from affected tissue or the product of disease.
Organon - This is the
Organon of Medicine, by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. This book
explains the principles and practice of homeopathy.
Potency - the strength or
power of a homeopathic remedy. Ascertained by how many times the remedy has
been shaken and diluted during preparation.
Potentized - This means
that remedy has gone through serial dilution and shaking.
Proving - the most correct
and accurate method of ascertaining the action of medicines on human health.
Remedies (usually potentized) are administered to healthy people to know
the symptoms they are capable of producing in
healthy humans and thereby same are able to cure.
Remedy - medicine, as is
called in homeopathic remedy.
Repertorize - to
repertorize a medical case one looks up symptoms in a repertory (book of
symptoms and their possible remedies in homeopathy).
Repertory - This is an
index of the homeopathic materia medica by symptom. A list of remedies is given
for each symptom.
Rubric - It's a symptom as
written in a homeopathic repertory.
Sarcode - It's a tissue or
glandular extract made into a homeopathic remedy.
Sensation - the experience
of a possible symptom, what it is felt in a symptom. One of the parts of a
complete symptom.
Simillimum - the most
likewise remedy relating to a case. As such, the medicine most likely to cure.
Vital force - the energy
that maintains the balance of life in the individual.