Monday, 15 December 2014

Sepia and the Hormonal Problems of Women in Urdu

People may think  if homeopathy can do anything for hormonal problems, and we have to tell them, “Yes, indeed, it can.”  Women more often experience ailments are related to hormonal imbalances, whether they are headaches that occur right at the time the period is due, to increased emotional sensitivity, leading to angry outbursts or crying spells premenstrual, to the hot flash of menopause.  Joint pain, gastrointestinal issues and innumerable symptoms and states in between, may also be hormonally effected.  
 These problems are all controlled or cured by homeopathic treatment and the women who seek homeopathy as an alternative to allopathic approach have high success rates.
Sepia aurton ki boht si bemarion main kaam aati hai, aur buniyadi taur par yeh aurton ki hi dawa hai. 

There is  one woman’s hormonal remedy that is very frequently needed, and that can produce very dramatic health results in the women who take it.  This remedy is called Sepia.  It is a remedy from the animal domain, and it hails from the sea.  It is the ink which is secreted by a little cuttlefish, an independent  creature that normally swims alone and resembles a miniature octopus.  When this small cuttlefish wants to avoid its predators or catch its prey, it secretes a black ink cloud to hide from view.  So it is often referred that women who are in need of Sepia can also emit a black cloud with their moods and anger.

The person who needs Sepia is someone who is forced to do something against her will, out of a feeling of not being good enough.   Sepia women often do not feel  attractive to the opposite sex, so to keep their spouses happy, they attempt to do what they want. The effort of all this can become too much for her, and she may become worn-out, exhuasted, irritable sad, indifferent, and withdraw into herself.   “Sepia is the classic picture of the woman seeking emancipation from her traditionally passive and too limited role as wife and mother in the home.”
Sepia, according to many homeo physicians' experience  is primarily a women’s hormonal remedy. 
The Sepia state often appears after a hormonal shock to the system, such as menarche, pregnancy, menopause, long and difficult labors, miscarriage, hysterectomy, and the use of birth control pills.   This has affinity to the female pelvic organs.  The remedy is known for bearing down sensations in the pelvis, and for “ball sensations” internally,” such as the sensation of a ball in the rectum.  The tendency for prolapse of the pelvic organs is also found in Sepia.  
Sepia is a remedy for hormonal imbalances, and is more often indicated in women having a slightly more masculine build. Sepia women are also very often athletic, and even though, they generally may feel weak, they often feel much better from hard exercise.  This is one of the first remedies for women who are actively involved in sports. 

Sepia women are in most cases career oriented, rather than oriented toward raising a family, though they may be engaged in both activities simultaneously, and having a rough time maintaining the two. 
Sepia people tend to suffer from weakness and low energy in general, and the worse time of day for them is often three to five in the afternoon. Other distinctive features of the Sepia are a love of watching thunderstorms, aggravation from doing the laundry, their might be a yellow- brown saddle or discoloration across the cheeks and nose, a desire for chocolate, vinegar, lemons and pickles.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Role of Homeopathy in Breast Cancer Treatment in Urdu

Homeopathic remedies have a similar action to chemotherapy but without any  toxicity. Homeopathy needed to be tested in the same way chemotherapeutic drugs are tested. Homeopathic remedies have similar effects to chemotherapy on breast cancer cells but without affecting normal cells, and that is a very exciting finding. 

Cancer kay ilaj kay liyay homeopathy ki khidmat ko taslem kar liya gaya hai, khas taur par breast cancer kay ilaj main boht si kamyabiyon ka sahra homeopathy kay sar hai. is silsilay main boht si tahqeeq ho rahi hai aur ayay din nayay inkishaf ho rahay hain. agar homeopathic doctor qabil ho aur marz ki sahih tashkhees kar lay aur cancer abhi ibtidai marhlay main ho to breast cancer ka ilaj homeopathic dawaon say mumkin hai aur operation ki nobat nahi aati.

The homeopathic remedies known for treatment for breast cancer  include: Carcinosin; Conium maculatum; Phytolacca decandra; and Thuja occidentalis which, along with many others, have a long history of use in breast cancer by homeopaths.

According to the researchers , “the ultra-diluted natural homeopathic remedies  offer the promise of being effective preventive and/or therapeutic agents for breast cancer and worthy of further study.
A lot of interest and controversy has been created with the use of homeopathic remedies in the treatment of breast cancer and other types of cancers and serious diseases.  
Four ultra-diluted remedies (Carcinosin, Phytolacca, Conium and Thuja) were tested against two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) and a cell line derived from immortalized normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMLE). These remedies exerted preferential cytotoxic effects against the two breast cancer cell lines, causing the cell cycle delay/arrest and apoptosis. There are many cases on the record where homeopathy has worked wonders in the treatment of breast cancer and it can be used as an effective tool against the fatal diseases provided, if the practitioner studies the case on individual level and prescribes the remedy as per the totality of symptoms.
There is no one homeopathic remedy for all types of breast cancer. Different symptom present in different patients will require a different homeopathic remedy. The remedies tested by the researchers and homeopathic practitioners are just some of those that may be helpful in breast cancer. Homeopathy is a safe and non-toxic system of treatment but it does require serious study of the individual cases on individual level and application if it is to be practiced well. Please consult a qualified homeopath if you wish to use homeopathy when cancer is present.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Useful Terms of Homeopathy for Homeopathic Students and General Users in Pakistan

Today, in Pakistan,  a great number of people are using Homeopathy as a dependable source of cure and treatment for their families and a great number of homeopathic students are in field to study and get certification in this medical field but many of them don't know much about homeopathy and its phenomena. Below are given commonly used terms which can help in their course of study and its also useful for general users of homeopathy.

Aggravation - a reasonable intensification of the disease symptoms previously observed. Often linked with the action of the correct homeopathic remedy. 

Antidote - A substance, or a medicine, that counteracts the effects of a homeopathic remedy.  Mint is described to be an antidote of Natrum muriaticum. Many give notion that coffee antidotes homeopathic remedies. When a person is reacting reversely to a homeopathic remedy, an antidote may be given to neutralize the effects. 

Cell Salts (biochemic medicines or tissue salts) - a homeopathic physician, W.H. Schuessler, created the Biochemic system using 12 different 'cell salts'. Schuessler felt these were necessary  to the proper function of the human body. Prepared in low potency(3x or 6x) and are used based on homeopathic indications. 

Centesimal - One of the three potency scales used in homeopathic pharmacy. It was the first potency generated by Hahnemann. 1 part of medicinal substance (dry or tincture), mixed with 99 parts of diluent (lactose or alcohol), and then shaken, brings the 1c potency. Using 1 part of that potency mixed with 99 parts diluent, then shaken, brings the 2c
Potency. This continues until the desired potency is got. A 200c goes through this process 200 times. A 1M potency  goes through this process 1,000 times. The higher the potency is, the stronger the stimulation of the vital force.

Common symptoms - symptoms that are common to a particular disease, for example, stiff joints in arthritis, or a yellow skin in jaundice.

Complete symptom -  sensation, modalities, and concomitants all together give a complete symptom.

Concomitant - occurs simultaneously. Refers to symptoms which happen at the same time as the major complaint. One of the parts of complete symptom. 
Decimal - 1 part  remedy substance (dry or tincture), mixed with 9 parts diluent and then  shaken, gets the 1X(D) potency. Taking 1 part of that potency when mixed with 9 parts of
diluent,  shaken, gets the 2X(D) potency. This continues until the required potency is got.

Homeopathy - system of natural medicine based on the Law of Similars. A substances which makes a person sick can also cure if used in a dynamic doses.

Isopathy - the treatment of a disease with the same disease agent.

Modality - a state that makes a person or their symptom better or worse. For example, one feels better in a hot bath, abdominal pain is better bending over, feels worse in rainy weather, etc.

Nosode - a homeopathic medicine prepared from affected tissue or the product of disease.

Organon - This is the Organon of Medicine, by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. This book explains the principles and practice of homeopathy.

Potency - the strength or power of a homeopathic remedy. Ascertained by how many times the remedy has been shaken and diluted during preparation.

Potentized - This means that remedy has gone through serial dilution and shaking.

Proving - the most correct and accurate method of ascertaining the action of medicines on human health. Remedies (usually potentized) are administered to healthy people to know
 the symptoms they are capable of producing in healthy humans and thereby same are able to cure.

Remedy - medicine, as is called in homeopathic remedy.

Repertorize - to repertorize a medical case one looks up symptoms in a repertory (book of symptoms and their possible remedies in homeopathy).

Repertory - This is an index of the homeopathic materia medica by symptom. A list of remedies is given for each symptom.

Rubric - It's a symptom as written in a homeopathic repertory.

Sarcode - It's a tissue or glandular extract made into a homeopathic remedy.

Sensation - the experience of a possible symptom, what it is felt in a symptom. One of the parts of a complete symptom.

Simillimum - the most likewise remedy relating to a case. As such, the medicine most likely to cure.

Vital force - the energy that maintains the balance of life in the individual.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Homeopathy Can do Wonders in Cancer Treatment

Homeopathic studies and treatment records  have shown that tumors can be treated well with homeopathic medicines and they recede with the use of right medicine. Long term cancer recoveries have been reported due to the use of homeopathic treatment. 

As it is the principle of homeopathy that a thing which can cause the ailment can also cure the disease if given in a homeopathic way, so Arsenic Poisoning can be cured by a homeopathic medicine named as ARSENIC ALBUM usually given in 30c dose but higher can also be used if needed. Arsenic removal from the body has been done successfully by the treatment of homeopathic medicines.Tautopathy and Treatment of cancer.

Tautopathy  is about carrying out the treatment with a Potentized drug made from a substance that caused the respective disorder. This Concept is very close to homeopathy and rather it is homeopathy.  

Can Effective Cancer Treatment be done without Side Effects?
 Although  in  traditional  medicine  chemotherapies  are  used  to  treat  patients  with  malignant tumors,  side  effects  are common, and damage to normal cells is a widespread problem. Chemotherapy medicines can do serious damage to the cells of the bone marrow that work for blood formation. In their search for potential alternative remedies that can kill cancer cells without side effects on normal cells, scientists have turned to evaluating homeopathic  drugs. These researchers  believe they  have found  such an agent in a common homeopathic remedy, which is Ruta graveolens. 

They tried the drug Ruta graveolens in 6C potency along with calcium phosphate in the 3X potency  glioma  patients  who showed  complete  regression  of  tumors.  The  results  in brain cancer treatments are also very encouraging. The authors proposed that Ruta graveolens in combination with calcium phosphate can be used as an effective treatment for brain cancers, especially gliomas.

Breat Cancer treatment is only found in homeopathy. in Allopathic system of treatment they have chamotherapy or disecting the effected breast or breasts. But in homeopathy there is a treatment which if started in early stages can cure the patient to a great extent. Traditional  cancer  treatment  can  harm  the  DNA  and  has  the  potential  to  cause  mutations,  tumors  and  neoplasms. Homeopathic  cancer  remedies,  in  the  customary  doses,  appear  not  to  have  these  harmful  effects. 

The medicines in homeopathy are used according to the individual symptoms of every patient but most commonly used medicines are as under:

Arsenic Album
Cadmium Sulph
Carbo Animalis
Antimonium Crudum
All Bio-Chemical Salts
Ferrum Picricum
Nux Vomica
Secale Cor

There are numerous of medicines which can be used if they are indicated in a patient. No medicine can be labelled as cancer medicine unless it is indicated according to individual symptoms of a patient. 

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Quackery in Homeopathy: Stigma of our Society.

There is no doubt in the authenticity and efficacy of Homeopathic Medical Science. Actually It was discovered by an Allopathic Doctor who was fed up with the traditional methods of medicine and surgery and also some horrible methods which were used to give more pain than to cure the patient.
In European countries and In United States of America, the homeopathic education is given under strict discipline and there are certain requirements under which only persons of required qualification and skills can only get admission for the study of Homeopathy, but in Pakistan it is very unfortunate that even a simple matriculate person having no solid knowledge of even the basic science succeeds to get admission in homeopathic colleges of Pakistan.
The educational system of these colleges is also not up to the mark, the management of the institutions never bothers to check even if a student remains absent for many days or even for couple of months and students only study at their homes or just cram before the exam and manage to get through the examinations. It’s true that there are very few colleges who have strict control and discipline and the passing out students of those colleges have adequate knowledge and they become a cause of the service to humanity.

But sadly most of the students of other colleges only get license from government and start their clinics in the nook and corners of cities and villages and treat the patients by hit and trial method.
According to homeopathic medical Science every person has his own specific symptoms of disease and the single remedy matching to the symptoms of that disease can only cure the disease and for which doctor has to work hard to collect individual symptoms of the patient regarding conditions of aggravation, alleviation of disease, symptoms of hunger, thirst, perspiration, smell, bowel system, skin color and even mental condition of that specific patient. But in our society mushroom homeopathic pharmacies have sprung up which are preparing combination medicines containing 6 to 7 medicines in a bottle and that medicine is used randomly to all patients. Sometimes that type of medicine succeeds to give palliation to patient but in most of the cases patient is not cured and his or her case even gets worse.

Medicines regarding treating impotency, infertility, obesity, dwarfishness etc. are being sold in market which have nothing to do with the original principles of classic homeopathy founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It is advisable for the patients to only contact the qualified and experienced homeopathic physicians who can take your case and administer you medicines under the right rules of homeopathy.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Psora is one of the three  miasms responsible for diseases of humanity. The others are Syphilis and Sycosis. Psora is most ancient and it is called as the mother of all diseases, from which perhaps no living organisms on earth remains unaffected. However during olden days it was not complex as it is today. Due to the change in the life style, over indulgence in bad habits and evil thinking it has been greatly evolved into a complex phenomenon. The great majority of diseases suffered by humanity are the result of the influence of this miasm. 

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann invented the word "Psora". It has been derived from Greek, which means itch. It also has its beginning from Hebrew word "Tsorat", which means "a groove, a fault" which refers to a deficient state of human being. This deficiency condition destabilizes the equilibrium of health giving rise to diseases.

The returning of diseases again and again in human beings caused Dr. Hahnemann to thing that some inherent latent and dynamic cause did exist within organism, and was mainly responsible and a culprit behind the starting of chronic and acute diseases. He named this unknown destructive element of force as PSORA.

Psora appears on the skin in the form of an itch or eruption. All the skin manifestations and skin diseases are caused due to psora. Every organ and function of the body is influenced by this miasm. Psoric conditions always has an itch. There is a marked itching of skin.


SENSORIUM: Vertigo or dizziness from walking, looking up, digestion problems. Giddiness aggravated from emotional disturbances and are relieved by lying down.

HEAD: Sharp, Sudden headaches in morning, increase as the sun rises and relieved as sun sets. Throbbing headaches relieved by rest, sleep and hot applications. Without shine and dry hair. Falling of hair. Greying of hair. Hair break and ends are split. Scalp dry. Itching, dandruff and dry eruption on scalp worse open air, evening, relieved by scratching.

EYES: Functional problems. One Cannot tolerate sunlight. Spots appear before the eyes. Symptoms are worse in the morning and are better by heat application.

EARS: Functional problems. Ear canal dry. Over sensitiveness to sounds.
FACE: Dry untidy look of face. Dry itching acne and pimples. Hot flushes. Face hot red.

NOSE: Sensitive to odors. Painful pimples on nose.
MOUTH: Crusts about mouth. Swelling and burning lips. Lips very much dry. Stomatitis. Taste problems. One feels burnt taste.
STOMACH: Unusual hunger. One feels hungry even after full stomach. Desiring for sweets, acids and sour products. Weak empty feeling in the stomach. Fullness, wind and bloating accompanying heartburn and water brash. Worse after eating. Desire for hot foods.

CHEST: Dry spasmodic cough. Little tasteless expectoration. Fast rush of blood to chest. Sense of weakness or fullness about the heart. One feels as of a band around chest. Fear of approaching death from heart trouble. Heart trouble caused about by strong emotions.
ABDOMEN: Fullness and bloating of abdomen after eating. All pains are better by heat.
RECTUM: Diarrhoea caused by overeating. Early morning diarrhoea. Offensive and painless diarrhoea which relieves suffering. Diarrhoea from taking cold, worse by cold, relieved by hot drinks or heat in general. Persistent constipation with small hard difficult stools with no desire to pass stool.
URINARY: Stopping of urine in children and old age after getting cold. Pain and burning on urination. Involuntary urination.

GENITAS: Menstrual complaints from emotional Problems. Dysmenorrhoea & amenorrhoea.
SKIN: Skin dry and rough, dirty and unhealthy with too much itching, dry and scaly eruptions.
EXTREMITIES: Psoric persons cannot stand for long time. They must lean on some support to reduce his body weight on his feet. This is because of his natural desire to rest.


Arsenicum alb
Baryta carb
Bor. ac.
Calcarea carb
Carbo animalis
Carbo veg.
Hepar sulph.
Kali carb.
Magnesium carb.
Magnesium mur
Muriatic acid
Natrum carb.
Natrum mur.
Kali nit.
Nitric acid
Phoshoric acid
Sulphuric acid
Zincum met.

Psora also exhibits its special property of becoming inactive without any symptoms unless excited by some sudden exciting factors. Psora can remain inactive for long time, even for years, displaying  qualities of its latent property, only to be observed by physician familiar with these characteristics. This inactive state may be brought out to full power by some exciting causes like accidents, exposure to extreme climate, infections, shock etc. Some of the mostly known inactive characters of the psora are as follows.


Psoric patients are active, quick and alert both in mentally and physically. But are easily fatigued by mental or physical work.
Psoric persons experience flushes of heat during work.
Psoric individuals are very anxious and fearful. We come across all types of states of anxiety in them.
They cannot fully concentrate. Concentration is very difficult.
They are also restless.
Fits of anger without any will to harm anyone.
Sorrow and grief very easily influence them. This often leads to opening of acute diseases in them.
Great depression of spirits.

All psoric symptoms are better by eliminative functions.

Buniyadi taur par ab yeh baat saf hoti ja rahi hai kay boht si bimariyon ka ilaj allopathic tareeqa e ilaj main nahi hai, us kay liyay homeopathic doctor kay pas jana parta hai, Allah Kareem nay har marz ki shifa rakhi hai siwayay maut kay laikin woh shifa kahin say bhi mil sakti hai, homeopathy boht say amraz jaisay gurday ki pathri, aurton aur mardon kay khas amraz, tumors, kharish waghaira main shafi ilaj sabit hoi hai. Psora, Syphilis aur psycosis ka ilaj homeopathy main maujood hai, aur yahi har marz ki jarr hain.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Historic Perspective of Homeopathic System of Medicine in Urdu

Samuel Hahnemann, The famous Allopathic doctor, was immersed in deep thoughts while standing by the side of the bed on which his dead daughter was lying. He could not save her and she departed to Almighty Allah. He for sure believed that no one can fight death but one can do his best to cure the disease. The allopathic medicines around 300 years ago were not so much developed and other methods of treatment like taking out blood and surgery did not convince him that he had done his best to save her daughter. So he embarked on a journey of research to find out an alternative curative system.

Hahnemann strongly believed that if a patient had an illness, it could be treated and cured by giving a medicine which, if given to a healthy person, would produce likewise symptoms of that same illness but to a slighter degree. So, if a patient was suffering from severe and troublesome nausea, he was administered a medicine which in a healthy person would provoke mild nausea. Using a process he called ‘proving’, Hahnemann claimed to be able to jot down a selection of appropriate remedies or medicines. This led to his famous doctrine, ‘like cures like’, which is often called the ‘principle of similars.

This means that if an element can make a person Ill the same element can also have the ability to cure him. Hahnemann claimed that by his methods he could cure all or nearly all acute diseases. He announced in 1828 that all, or nearly all, chronic diseases were caused by ‘the itch’ (scabies)or in Homeopathic terms it was called (Psora) which is now known as in allopathic field also as Psoriasis.

In many cases where Allopathic medicines are not effective like in kidney stones, Gall stones, liver diseases, Women diseases linked with reproduction system, mental diseases, Urinary problems, Sexual diseases of both men and women and many others can easily be treated or cured by the relevant homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy has the credit of stopping many epidemics like Scarlet fever and cholera by the use of Belladonna and Arsenic Album respectively in the times of Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy. At last the German authorities had to give him recognition and credit for his efforts and struggle despite of the opposition of the Allopathic renowned doctors of that time. Now Homeopathy is being practiced in whole world and many complicated and difficult cases has been cured on record by Homeopathy.

Agar Homeopathy na hoti to boht say aisay mareez jin ko Allopathic system kay mutabiq Lailaj qarar day diya jata hai, wo umeed ki akhri kiran kay sath homeopathic Ilaj karwa kar sahyab na hotay. Boht si aisi bemarian jin ka Allopathic main ilaj maujood nahi wo aaj homeopathy say theek ho rahi hain.