Monday, 15 December 2014

Sepia and the Hormonal Problems of Women in Urdu

People may think  if homeopathy can do anything for hormonal problems, and we have to tell them, “Yes, indeed, it can.”  Women more often experience ailments are related to hormonal imbalances, whether they are headaches that occur right at the time the period is due, to increased emotional sensitivity, leading to angry outbursts or crying spells premenstrual, to the hot flash of menopause.  Joint pain, gastrointestinal issues and innumerable symptoms and states in between, may also be hormonally effected.  
 These problems are all controlled or cured by homeopathic treatment and the women who seek homeopathy as an alternative to allopathic approach have high success rates.
Sepia aurton ki boht si bemarion main kaam aati hai, aur buniyadi taur par yeh aurton ki hi dawa hai. 

There is  one woman’s hormonal remedy that is very frequently needed, and that can produce very dramatic health results in the women who take it.  This remedy is called Sepia.  It is a remedy from the animal domain, and it hails from the sea.  It is the ink which is secreted by a little cuttlefish, an independent  creature that normally swims alone and resembles a miniature octopus.  When this small cuttlefish wants to avoid its predators or catch its prey, it secretes a black ink cloud to hide from view.  So it is often referred that women who are in need of Sepia can also emit a black cloud with their moods and anger.

The person who needs Sepia is someone who is forced to do something against her will, out of a feeling of not being good enough.   Sepia women often do not feel  attractive to the opposite sex, so to keep their spouses happy, they attempt to do what they want. The effort of all this can become too much for her, and she may become worn-out, exhuasted, irritable sad, indifferent, and withdraw into herself.   “Sepia is the classic picture of the woman seeking emancipation from her traditionally passive and too limited role as wife and mother in the home.”
Sepia, according to many homeo physicians' experience  is primarily a women’s hormonal remedy. 
The Sepia state often appears after a hormonal shock to the system, such as menarche, pregnancy, menopause, long and difficult labors, miscarriage, hysterectomy, and the use of birth control pills.   This has affinity to the female pelvic organs.  The remedy is known for bearing down sensations in the pelvis, and for “ball sensations” internally,” such as the sensation of a ball in the rectum.  The tendency for prolapse of the pelvic organs is also found in Sepia.  
Sepia is a remedy for hormonal imbalances, and is more often indicated in women having a slightly more masculine build. Sepia women are also very often athletic, and even though, they generally may feel weak, they often feel much better from hard exercise.  This is one of the first remedies for women who are actively involved in sports. 

Sepia women are in most cases career oriented, rather than oriented toward raising a family, though they may be engaged in both activities simultaneously, and having a rough time maintaining the two. 
Sepia people tend to suffer from weakness and low energy in general, and the worse time of day for them is often three to five in the afternoon. Other distinctive features of the Sepia are a love of watching thunderstorms, aggravation from doing the laundry, their might be a yellow- brown saddle or discoloration across the cheeks and nose, a desire for chocolate, vinegar, lemons and pickles.

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